
别针连环 Linking Clips
产品效果: 这是一款适合即兴表演的视觉化别针魔术。使用三枚完全可检查的别针,您可以展示它们相互穿透、串联的奇妙效果。道具设计巧妙,表演过程简单流畅,易于学习和快速上手,非常适合各种表演场合。
视频演示: https://52magicshare.cn/Demo/LinkingClips.mp4
Linking Clips
Effect: A visual clip magic perfect for impromptu performances. With three examinable pins, you can demonstrate an incredible effect where they penetrate and link with each other. The trick is easy to learn and quick to master, making it ideal for any performance setting.
What’s Included:
- Three specially designed gimmick clips
- Instructional video
Amaze your audience with stunning visual magic using everyday objects!
Demo: https://52magicshare.cn/Demo/LinkingClips.mp4