
钞票分身板 国内版(钞票还原幻术) CRACK by Mickael Chatelain (RMB Vision)
- 将折叠的纸币夹在两个带孔的板子之间,观众可以清楚地看到纸币。
- 用一个快速的“锯齿动作”,纸币明显被切成了两半。
- 随后,魔术师再次做出一个神奇的手势,纸币的两部分瞬间完美连接。
- 最终展示的纸币完整无损,没有任何切口或破损——100%完好!
钞票分身板 是一款完美的近景魔术道具,其视觉冲击力与简便性相结合,定能让观众大为惊叹。
视频演示: https://52magicshare.cn/Demo/CrackbyMickael.mp4
CRACK by Mickael Chatelain (RMB Vision)
An Astonishing Close-Up Magic Effect!
Picture this: right in front of your audience, you take a bill—let's say a $10—and slice it cleanly into two pieces. But in an instant, with a magical gesture, you restore it perfectly, leaving the bill completely unharmed!
The Performance:
- A folded bill is placed between two plates with holes, allowing spectators to see it clearly.
- With a quick zig-zag motion, the bill is visibly cut into two separate pieces.
- With a second magical gesture, the pieces are rejoined seamlessly.
- The bill is shown intact, with no cuts or tears—100% flawless!
CRACK is perfect for leaving your spectators in awe during close-up performances, combining visual impact with simplicity.
Demo: https://youtu.be/NLkfx6EGZ-8