
一副特殊的Bicycle道具牌,利用这副牌可以完成许多不同的特殊魔术,效果是普通道具牌以及手法所不能做到的,拥有这副牌,能够使所有身边的魔术爱好者甚至魔术师眼前一亮!可以表演的魔术有:错误印刷、不可能的请求、终极三公术...等更多的效果!全副牌每一张不一样,每一张都有自己的特色!道具牌全部采用Bicycle原厂牌质,附带详细使用说明书。是所有魔术爱好者和专业魔术师必备的一副道具牌!备注说明The Clowns and Jesters deck (CAJ deck) comes complete with the gaff deck, and the companion instructional booklet containing several CAJ deck routines. The CAJ deck is designed to be added to any normal deck of cards. They are red backed bicycle cards, which are commonly available. Each routine is explained in common language, and leaves out any confusing magic jargon so both the advanced and beginning magician can perform these great effects! Routines Included: Reverse Printed Flush Deck Infinite Zeros Impossible Bet Beverly Hills Queen Cute Kings 3 Card Monte And Many More...